[Written By External Partner]

If you’re about to buy your first gaming PC, you’ve probably realised already that gaming PCs aren’t like the others. Often, these PCs aren’t born-ready, so you’ll have to invest more money buying specific parts. After all, you want your machine to serve you well in online multiplayer battles. What would be the most important component of a great gaming computer, though?


There’s no way out: if you’re getting into gaming for real, you’ll have to tune up your machine. You can buy a good computer for starters, but it probably won’t be made entirely of the “best parts” on the market. Yet, that’s the level of excellence you’ll need to stand a chance in an arena with the pros.

The good news is that not every online game is so demanding. Games like those found on sites such as the Comeon Canada platform for example will run on any computer or mobile device. However, MOBA and MMORPG games may require more sophisticated hardware. Here are some of the parts that are most commonly replaced for gaming purposes.

Random Access Memory (RAM)

Random-access memory is where your computer keeps information that needs to be quickly accessed. So, a big RAM means a faster computer that can deal with larger bulks of information efficiently. Above all, they’ll guarantee your commands will be promptly processed. So, your PC won’t lag behind your competitors.


You’ll need storage space to save bulky games and game-related media files. Here, you can choose between HDDs (hard disk drives) or SSD (solid-state drives). SSDs are faster than HDDs, but both kinds serve to store your files. The second type will allow you to access it faster, though.


If the motherboard isn’t the most important part of your PC, it’s a strong candidate. The motherboard hosts all the hardware in your machine. So, it’s paramount to choose one compatible with the other parts you want to buy. Some of them come with integrated WiFi systems and graphic cards.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Also known as a processor, the CPU is what makes your PC work. The CPU manages the communication between different systems in the computer. It’s also responsible for transmitting information from one PC to another. A top-notch CPU is essential for a seamless gaming experience. It’s arguably the most important part of any PC, gamer or otherwise.  

Body and Soul

A killing gamer PC requires the best technology available from end to end. Because it’s very difficult to find such computers on the shelves, most of these machines are custom-made. Motherboards and CPUs fight tooth and nail for the title “most important component” of a gaming PC. Yet, the debate is futile; one can’t live without the other. Only a top-notch motherboard can house top-notch CPUs and other parts. However, a great motherboard would be of little use with a poor CPU. In fact, every little counts when it comes to building a professional gaming machine. Even the choice of the casing can be more than merely aesthetic and serve cooling purposes, thus improving your PC’s performance.

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