
Some of the rich and famous have beautiful smart homes covered in solar panels, thermal-imaging cameras and electronic photochromic glass. Here, we look at what you can add to your home to make it the ultimate technology hub.

1. Near field communication (NFC)
NFC chips (also known as tags) are a cheap and easy update that virtually anyone with a smartphone can achieve. Every major OS maker offers an app giving you NFC functionality. The technology uses short distance radio waves which allow you to program each chip to perform different functions. In essence, you can remotely control your lighting, security, entertainment systems and more and at the push of a button your phone.


Share sounds in every room
In these days of superfast internet and home audio smartphone apps, you already have most of the tool you need to construct a fully integrated home audio system. Generally, the process is as simple as running the necessary wires through the walls and attaching them to hi-fi speakers.

While there is a wide range of options at different price points, the U:Create Raspberry Pi Model B Starter Kit is a great place to start at just £45. It’s clear that you don’t need huge wealth to take advantage of the Internet of Things.

Just imagine parties you can have with perfect sound throughout! Or if you want the ability to control the volume of your teen’s music, you can now do so with the mere swipe of a screen

USB enabled outlets
Most people will have at least two devices that use USB cables. USB-enabled outlets(often dubbed ‘plug and power’ units) operate like small power cables for your wall and cost as little as £16! This is surely a very small price to pay so that you never have to fret about misplacing your phone charger ever again.

Smart thermostat
TechHub3Google’s Nest thermostat is by far the smartest thermostat on the market. It learns your habits and schedule for a week before it starts to automate temperature controls to suit your lifestyle. So if you like eating breakfast at 20ºC, Nest will make it happen every day.

New versions of Nest include something called Nest Protect. This feature is a smoke and carbon monoxide detector that will never freak out for no apparent reason. It synchronises with your Wi-Fi and connects to a smartphone app. This will allow you to control temperatures and keep an eye on things when you’re not in the house. So, if your smoke alarm goes off when you’re out, you can act quickly.

Such extravagant living shown above may be out of the reach of the average person. Yet there are still things everyone can do to make their home smarter, a nicer place to live and more and more attractive to cash house buyers

[Written By External Partner]