Lumia 1020 - Windows Phone - Art (3)If there is one thing I love about smartphones and that’s a nice camera. It is one element of my phone I see I use more often then I realize. I check and I have tons and tons of photos taken and it can be just things of the outdoors but most likely is some form of tech or me and my eating lifestyle. Microsoft invited us to an event showcasing photography of all sorts taken and edited with just Nokia Lumia 1020 and 920s. Most of the photos I took a look at seemed to be shot with that lovely 41 megapixel shooter on the Nokia Lumia 1020. It just goes to show you that mobile photography is here to stay and if you werent told these were taken with your “cell phone” you might not of known it.


Have some great photo moments to show us with your Nokia Lumia device? Tweet us at @GStyleMagazine with the hashtag #ReadyWhenYouAre and #Nokia 

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