It is about to be that time again, we are just under 3 weeks away from CES 2013. The tech industry will swarm the Las Vegas area and show off all the cool gadgets it has to offer, and will be there. G Style Magazine will be there with to separate the fashion failing to the fashion forward of tech.

For those that don’t know CES happens yearly normally during January, this year CES will take place January 8-11th, but there will be smaller events starting as early as the 7th (with a few insane companies even doing stuff on the 6th). We’ll be touching down in the Vegas area on the 7th and quickly getting settled before we hit the ground running.

There will be tons of stuff happening and we want to make sure you can get your fill during that week. So here are few ways you can stay connected with the action, and maybe some cool/fun behind the scenes as well.

On GSTYLEMAG.COM – Starting in January, you will see a CES 2013 category up above in the main navigation, just click on that to be taken to the articles that come straight out of CES that week (with maybe some before and after, we like to call it CES month)

But beyond the articles on the site, we will be all over when it comes to social media, so be sure you are following us around the socialsphere!

Twitter@gstylemgazine (Live up to date coverage of what we are seeing and our thoughts)
Google+G Style Magazine
FacebookG Style Magazine on FB
Instagram@gstylemagazine (Live what we are looking at, and some behind the scenes of the team)
Foursquare@gstylemagazine (We’ll be checking in, so if you are at CES with us, see where we’re at)

And if you like to stay close with the team that is going, be sure to add some of our team members directly. Each team member of course has their preference on what they would like to see, so you can get some focused thoughts depending. So be sure to follow Jason A (Twitter, Google+), Jason M (Twitter, Google+), Analie C (Twitter, Google+), and some more. We’ll update as we finish finalizing.

So let’s get ready to do it all again, let’s get it people!