HTC One M8 Dot View Case Updated

The HTC One (M8) Dot View Case came out the same time as the HTC One M8 and was concerned an interesting product with its dot matrix casing. It works good in some instances as it would turn your screen on and off with closing and opening of it helping save on battery life. The real feature of the case though had to be when you double tap the front case you would get the time and weather displayed on it. Also using voice controls to make calls on it while closed was cool as well. But that’s where it all stopped.

Since its been out we hopped there would be some added features to make the case worthwhile as it has a good deal of potential. Custom faces, notifications for other apps were hopeful and requested time and time again. Well at least we got one of these.

So now you have to option to change the plain jane face with preset themes which look pretty good on the front. Or you can even take a picture and have it themed dot matrix style. It’s a feature I wish they had months ago and could have added some appeal to using the case.

HTC One M8 Dot View Case Updated 2

Other options:
Other features are how long you want the Dot View Case to stay active, as well as showing the call history of the last three calls you made(not a fan and disabled).

The added theme section is nice and should be able to have some fun with it. Now if I can just have some cool Instagram, Messenger, or Twitter icons pop up on the front I’d be delighted. Heck give me an update for at least widely used Gmail.

Prices vary on the HTC One View Case so happy hunting finding that sweet spot. Otherwise HTC has it on their site for $44.99.

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