Remember Me features exploration, platforming, and melee combat. The game introduces the mechanic of ‘memory remixing’: entering and rearranging a target’s memories to manipulate them. Players accomplish this by replaying a memory and modifying details to change the target’s recollection of the outcome

Neo-Paris, 2084: Personal memories can now be digitized, bought, sold and traded. The last remnants of privacy and intimacy have been swept away in what appears to be a logical progression of the explosive growth of social networks at the beginning of the 21st century. The citizens themselves have accepted this surveillance society in exchange for the comfort only smart technology can provide. This memory economy gives immense power over society to just a handful of people.

A visionary 3rd person action adventure, Remember Me puts players into the role of Nilin, a former elite memory hunter with the ability to break into people’s minds and steal or even alter their memories.

The authorities, fearful of her knowledge and capabilities have arrested Nilin and wiped her memory clean. After her escape from prison, Nilin sets out on a mission to recover her identity, helped by her last and only friend. This search for her past leads to her being hunted by the very people that created this surveillance society.

Don”t how I feel about these game yet, waiting on more information and footage to see if it’s worth checking out.

Title: Remember Me
Format: PlayStation 3, PC, Xbox 360
Developer: DONTNOD
Genre: 3rd person action adventure
Street date: May 2013

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