In gaming it’s always a good thing when a game comes out and shocks you with how good it is and this game in particular does that very well. What game? Tales of Kenzera: Zau. A story and game made in honor of the developer’s (Abubakar Salim) father with whom he shared a bond with in life.

With single-player Metroidvania style games becoming increasingly more popular, this game has perfect timing. Aside from it being a beautiful game, it tells and incredible story encompassing spirituality, power, strength and belief in one’s self and an ability to conquer a goal after suffering great loss.

EA and Surgent Studios have released the launch trailer for this game as well as a short film created by the creator himself which tells the story of his father who has passed on and the inspiration of this game and how it came to be. Earlier this year an early access demo was released and to no surprise it was well received. What wasn’t necessarily expected was the frenzy that cam after. Gamers were waiting to play the full version of this game and finally that wait is over. This Tuesday April 23rd we are finally getting an opportunity to play this as it will be released worldwide on ALL platforms which include PlayStation 5, XBOX Series S/X, Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam. The game retails at $19.99 which makes it steal for what you get and you will not be disappointed by this game.

We here at GStyleMag played the early demo of this game and this game blew us away with its degree of difficulty, beautiful artwork & scenery, level design, music and score. It’s quite a package deal for $20 bucks. Once again this game comes out this TUESDAY APRIL 23rd on ALL platforms. Don’t miss out on this one.

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