According to studies, food waste is a huge problem in the US and amounts to nearly 120 billion pounds a year, with an estimated 325 pounds of waste per person. That means that much of this waste occupies a lot of space in our landfills and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. We can help reduce this at the source and contribute less food waste by composting what we don’t eat. The THINKWARE BLUEVENT MUMU is the world’s first AI-powered smart food composter that can help reduce food waste by up to 95%.



The BLUEVENT MUMU is a modern-looking, minimalist designed composter. It isn’t small by any means and requires quite a bit of countertop space to be used. The exterior features an off-white color with metal accents and looks quite pleasing to the eye. You should have no issues integrating this into your current kitchen setup where it will not be an eyesore.

The MUMU is also fairly simple to operate and doesn’t have many buttons or dials you need to mess with. On the outside, you get two buttons to play with and a rotating locking dial. You also get a button to open the composter as well as a little drainage plug to empty out any moisture that is collected.

On the rear of the unit is a door that can be opened. Inside is a filtration unit used to determine any smell from the contents you are composting. This can be replaced later if needed.

Moving on to the inside of the unit, there is a large ceramic-coated bucket that also doubles as the grinder. There is a handle on the bucket for easy removal and cleaning.



The BLUEVENT MUMU has several notable features that make it stand out. Many of which are automated by AI.

  • AI-Automated Weight Measurement – Weigh food before it is processed to deter main processing time
  • AI Storage Mode – automatically manages temperature and humidity within the MUMU to prevent waste from spoiling
  • AI Automated Processing – Automatically process food when a certain weight has been reached
  • AI Bucket Detection – Detects when the bucket is inserted or not and whether there is any food added
  • Empty Bucket Detection – Detects when the bucket is empty
  • Voice Guidance

The features that aren’t AI include the use of MOF (Metal Organic Framework) materials that help block the reproduction of invisible bacteria and fungi. This happens before the odor and heat from the food process.

After food is processed and emptied, you can maintain the BLUEVENT MUMU with the 120-degree C high-temperature sterilization and cleaning function. You can activate this by simply pouring water into the bucket and selecting Cleaning Mode. This keeps the unit clean and hygienic.

Lastly, the composting process is surprisingly quiet. You’ll barely even know that the unit is running.



The setup for the BLUEVENT MUMU is fairly simple. You just need to remove all the stickers attached to it and then plug it into power. Do not forget to also remove the sticker from the filter, so you’ll need to open up the door on the back, remove the filter, the sticker, and then install it back in. Be sure to also place the unit on a spot that meets the space requirements as instructed in the manual.

Once that’s done, you’re pretty much ready to start using the MUMU. You should read through the manual however because there certain types of foods and organic you should not be throwing into the composter. For instance, items such as bones, hard shells, shellfish, popcorn kernels, and anything not food waste.

For everything else, what I did was remove the bucket and fill it with all my food waste after a meal. If there wasn’t enough to warrant running the MUMU, I would put it back into the processor and let it sit in AI Storage Mode. This is supposed to keep the contents inside from spoiling and ultimately smelling. I only kept waste in there for less than a day since by then, I would have collected enough food waste to start a composting process.


When you’re ready to process the waste, I love that it shows the preprocessed weight. It’s pretty neat knowing how much food waste you would have thrown out. I use Normal Mode to process so just set it to Normal and then press the Play button. The AI will determine how long processing will take and you just need to sit back and let the MUMU do its thing.

Normally, food processing time can take several hours and can be dependent on the weight. My average time to process less than a pound of food waste was about 4 hours.

When completed, the BLUEVENT MUMU will again go into storage mode but it will let you know too much weight composting helped reduce. In many cases, it’s a significant amount. I was actually quite impressed with how much actual food waste you are left with when all is said and done.

You do need to manually empty the bucket after.

Cleaning can be done manually with water and soap, but you can also have the unit run a self-clean with the bucket inside it and half a bucket of water. It will run a cleaning and high-temperature sterilization mode as part of the process.

Aside from that, the BLUEVENT MUMU practically runs itself.



I am really impressed by the BLUEVENT MUMU. I’ve never composted anything before because I always thought it would take a lot of time and effort, not to mention having it smell up the house. With this, however, it’s in a self-contained unit that composts your food waste rapidly and hygienically. I honestly didn’t think composting could be this simple. BLUEVENT makes it super simple thanks to all the AI modes and the MUMU itself is just really simple to operate and manage. Not to mention the fact that it looks pretty good and is almost whisper quiet.

With that said, I’ll be composting and processing my food waste a lot more often now.

You can purchase the THINKWARE BLUEVENT MUMU now on Amazon.

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