Jay & Silent Bob Reboot [RED BAND TRAILER] Comedy | TBA | 2019 (USA)

Starring: Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Brian O’Halloran, Rosario Dawson, Ben Affleck, Joey Lauren Adams, Shannon Elizabeth, Harley Quinn Smith

Director: Kevin Smith

Eighteen years after the events of ‘Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back’ the two stoners from New Jersey are back?

Jay (Jason Mewes) and Silent Bob (Kevin Smith) return to the roles that made them infamous. Like the last film, this time the hetero-lifemates road trip again to Hollywood to prevent a reboot of a movie based on the comic characters based on them. Yes, you read that correctly.

‘Reboot’ features loads of familiar faces from the Askewniverse, including Brian O’Halloran, Rosario Dawson, Ben Affleck, Joey Lauren Adams, Shannon Elizabeth, Harley Quinn Smith, and more.

Please note, this is a RED BAND Trailer.
Not safe for work, and language not appropriate for children.

There isn’t an official release date yet.
Tune back here and I’ll update its known.

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