Today on the first day of CES we learned that NEST now works with everybody and their momma! Okay well not everyone, but a lot of the major popular players out there can say “Works With Nest”.

Nest now works with with the following companies:

August: August Smart Lock can set your Nest Thermostat to Home when you unlock your door and immediately start warming or cooling the house. Lock your door on the way out and it will set your Nest Thermostat to Away to help you save energy.

Automatic: If you’re driving home the automatic car adapter will tell your Nest to start getting your home comfortable before you arrive.

Insteon: This one is one I haven’t heard of, but it can control your entire home – lights, applicances, cameras, sensors, and Nest all from a single app.

nest-stock-image-1Ooma: This one was a suprise. Ooma works with your Nest Protect and if notices smoke or CO, it can call and ask if you want contact your local emergency services.

Phillips Hue: This one is another addition I’m excited about, I’m trying to pick up a Hue system myself. When Nest Protect senses something’s wrong, your Hue lights can flash on and off to get your attention.

Unikey: Kevo Smart Lock tells your Nest Thermostat who’s home and what temperature they like. It also helps Nest known when no ones’s home so your theromstat doesn’t waste energy.

Withings: When it is time to go to sleep the Withing Aura Sleep System will set your Nest Thermostat to a comfortable night time temperature. Wake up and it will tell Nest your’re redy to start the day.

And this is just few. Nest also works with LG and Lutron. Also coming soon is Big Ass Fans, Beep, Chargepoint, OSRAM/Lightify, Stack, Whirlpool, and Zuli, Interesting times ahead for the Nest system, I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out!

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