Gmail for iOS – It’s not that bad!

And let the complaints begin. The new Gmail app for iOS (which…

My Top Five Android Apps for College Students

Going to school full time is no easy task! Working while doing…

Spotify: The Android App

We have definitely been talking about Spotify here at G Style with…

Spotify: iTunes Killer? Oh Hell, Just One Hell of a Music Service!

Spotify….Spotify. To be honest I haven’t really been one of the people…

What’s In Your Smartphone: TeeJay Jordan

Ever since I got the HTC EVO 3D my phone stays in…

What’s In Your Smartphone: Jason “Tech Fiend” Million

I used to have a nice decent amount of apps when i…

What’s In Your Smartphone: Jason “Mr. G Style” Anderson

OK so I know you have all seen the CapitolOne commercials where…

Google+: By Land, Sea, and Air (Really By Desktop, Android, and iOS) – Part 2: Android App