
Pokemon hunters rejoice. If you were at SXSW then you may have heard some rumors about a video surfacing of the Pokemon GO! app live being played in a demo. Well it’s true. John Hanke who is CEO of Pokémon Go developers Niantic was having talks about AR (Augmented Reality) at SXSW and then suddenly this video of what could possibly be the actual game surfaced online coincidentally.

There is no official confirmation about whether or not Mr.Hanke himself introduced this video nor are there any transcripts of the talk itself but what we do know for certain is that Pokemon GO! is coming. If you are a Pokemon fan then this is great news. Let’s think about it. Who wouldn’t want to catch Pokemon in real places and face off against other trainers basically anywhere you run into them whether it be on the street or in the park or on the bus or in a restaurant by just pulling out your phone and opening up the app. Sounds cool as ever.

Just in case you forgot what the premise of Pokemon GO! is and the hype surrounding it then you should check the trailer below and find out. We’ll keep you posted as more news develops about this great game.

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