
Health and Fitness are huge these days and many companies right now are capitalizing on the trend with a slew of apps and activity trackers. There’s a big market for activity trackers but many of them are geared towards adults. There aren’t that many geared towards children and that’s where you really want healthy living to begin. Many kids these days are obese, but if you can get them to follow a healthier routine at a young age, they’ll most likely carry that into adulthood. That’s just a theory, but it’s never a bad idea to start early. X-Doria has the same idea and created the new KidFit activity and sleep trackerm made exclusively for children. This is a fun looking activity tracker that will get kids excited about living a more active lifestyle, one that doesn’t involve sitting around the couch all day.


The X-Doria KidFit has a pretty simple design that is perfect for children. It mainly consists of a core unit that is the tracker itself and a wristband that is designed like those slap bracelets you see kids wearing all the time. The slap band design allows children to more easily put it on and take it off as opposed to fumbling with traditional straps. It also makes the design more fun while also being more durable thanks to the generous use of silicone rubber. The band comes in different colors and the one I received was blue, which was more suitable for my son who I tested the KidFit on.


The other part of the KidFit is the core unit, which is made of plastic and features just 1 button and a USB charge port. The core unit pops out of the band so that it can be charged and when completed, you just pop it back into the band. There is no on and off switch on it and for the most part, just stays on the whole entire time once you activate it for he first time.  The core unit is also rechargeable so there is no battery to replace.

The KifFit seems like it should be very durable, especially with the active lives kids live and since it’s IPX3 rated, it is splash proof. This also means it should survive sweat.


428439-kidfit-blue-top-view_1024x1024In terms of tracking, the KidFit mainly tracks number of steps per day, the average distance traveled, and the amount of sleep had. It’s a pretty basic tracking unit, but for kids, I don’t think they need something fancy that also monitors other health related attributes. The main goal of the KidFit is to get them moving, and by tracking steps, it does that. It tracks how many steps they take between syncs as well as how far they traveled. Distance however I believe is just estimated based on steps taken.

It also does sleep tracking, though I think its more basic than most. For the most part, it just tracks how long they slept for. Sleep tracking is not automatic and is only tracked if you put it into sleep tracking mode. You have to hold down the main button for a few seconds for this to happen. When they wake up, you have to hold the button down again to switch out of it and back to activity tracking.

Syncing of information occurs with the KidFit app that is available for both iOS and Android. You sync by single tapping the main button and it will sync all information gathered with the app. It only uploads new information after the last sync.

Other than that, the KidFit is very simple to use.


There’s not much to the KitFit. Basically you just activate the unit first by using the KidFit app and it will begin to track from that moment. Your kid wears it and that’s it. It tracks steps and distance. At the end of the day, when you want to see how many steps they’ve taken and how far they’ve gone, just open up the KidFit app and tap the button on the KidFit to sync. Syncing only takes about a second so it’s really fast.

428439-KidFit-Blue-Hero_1024x1024When I used it with my son, he was genuinely interested in seeing how many steps he had taken each day and how far he had gone. based on the results, I was pretty surprised by how many steps he actually takes during the day at school. It’s a lot more than I could have imagined. On top of the tracking, the KidFit app also has goals that your kid can try to accomplish each day. These help push your kid into being more active as they’ll want to meet these goals daily.

In terms of ease of use, nothing could be simpler. Once paired to your device, it works effortlessly. I never had a problem syncing it and the I didn’t have to charge the battery until well over a week.

Final Thoughts

I really like the X-Doria KidFit activity tracker. It’s a basic tracker for children and it’s really all they’ll ever need at their young age. The device is very durable and I love that it utilizes a slap band instead of a traditional style watch strap. It makes it much easier for them to get it on and off on their own and sizing no longer becomes an issue as the slap band sizes itself. The colors you can get it in also makes the KidFit quite stylish and fun so kids won’t mind wearing it.

I’m not entirely too sure how accurate the step counter is or the distance traveled is, but I don’t really care. All I care about is the fact that my son is quite motivated to get outside and do things. He also wears it to school daily and it’s a nice way of tracking how active he is when he’s there.

Overall, I’m very impressed with the X-Doria KifFit. It’s inexpensive, durable, and a very good way to motivate your children.

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